This post is just to say a huge thank you to the RSP listeners for reviewing and rating the Radio Skills for Podcasters Podcast on iTunes and lifting it into New and Noteworthy. I am utterly bowled over! Amazing reviews below…
It is really appreciated. Find out why we’re featured in new and noteworthy by tuning in to the podcast here .
I’m also providing one to one coaching for podcasters, feel free to say hi either via my contact page here or on facebook and twitter. (click on either and you’ll be transported to my social media feeds)
If you’ve just discovered our podcast here’s a selection of what’s being said on iTunes. Please feel free to add your own review.
Bite Sized Morsels of Meaty Content!  |
November 3, 2015 by @petebillingham from United Kingdom |
I found so many “a ha” moments when listening to Kevin Field on the Radio Skills for Podcasters Podcast. Like the short punchy format. Each episode had many things which made want to stop, make notes or replay. It is obvious that Kevin’s experience in the radio industry shines through with his advice and recommendations. In getting ready to launch a podcast, this podcast already has been invaluable. Thanks Kevin. |
Golden knowledge from a Golden Podcast  |
November 2, 2015 by Kenabbottuk from United Kingdom |
I’m 5 episodes in to Radio Skills for Podcasters and loving every minute. Each Podcast episode is just 10 to 12 minutes long but is jam packed with tips, tricks and advice from someone whose radio industry knowledge, experience and wisdom shines through brightly. There are many “take aways” that I have gained from this Podcast and many others that have confirmed that I’m already on the right track. I’m currently working on episode 26 of my own podcast and will be implementing what I’ve learned right away. I totally agree with other reviewers here, if you’re a podcaster or are thinking of becoming one then Radio Skills for Podcasters is definitely a must listen. |
Really helpful tips  |
November 2, 2015 by Georgette Rowland Osborne from United Kingdom |
What a great find this podcast is. This is a note taking show for sure, so many great tips to help with your podcast. |
Awesome Tips for Podcasters !  |
November 2, 2015 by blessed 4 from United States |
Love Kevin’s straightforward skill and rich experience! So so happy I’ve found this podcast! |
Great show for podcasters  |
October 22, 2015 by Kathryn at Podcast Divas from United Kingdom |
If you’re a podcaster and want to be a better podcaster this is the show you want to listen to. if you’re not a podcaster and want to become one then this is still the show you want to listen to. Great actionable information and advice that I am very pleased to know about for my own podcasts. |
A must listen for podcasters  |
October 19, 2015 by Bazybel from United Kingdom |
This podcast is made by a guy who shares his wisdom to make the world better, without even trying to sell it to you. Any podcasters have no excuse not to listen to him. One episode is enough for me to take easy actionable tips and apply to my podcast in order to improve my listeners experience. Thank you for sharing all of this, thank you so much. |
Thank God I found this!  |
October 18, 2015 by Janet Murray from United Kingdom |
Just about to launch my own podcast and like the reviewer below, had so many ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ moments. Loved the episode on the words you should and shouldn’t use in podcasts. Great stuff – looking forward to more! |
So many “man I didn’t even think of that” moments  |
October 16, 2015 by This is Rammy from United Kingdom |
I’ve not long launched my podcast, it launced in March of 2015, so far I’ve produced 34 episodes. I’ve moved from telephone interviews to face to face interviews and in doing so, I was put completely out of my comfort zone, mainly because I’m no interviewee, but I dug my heels in and got on with it. It’s only since subscribing to Radio skills for podcasters that I realised with a few tweaks here and there, I can get a much better interview, with very little extra effort, in fact, one of the tips should be less effort then currently (remembering to shut up and not say yeah, umm and ahh during interviews). Radio Skills for Podcasters is invaluable, it gets to the point quickly and makes me wish I had a notepad everytime I listen. Luckily, with the episodes only being around 10 minutes, this means it’s just as easy to simply listen again when I’m able to take notes (I usually listen to podcasts in the car). Anyway, if you’re a podcaster, you need to listen to this podcast, it’s less about the technology and “kit” that most other podcasts are, and more about the human side of things. Brilliant, brilliant brilliant. |