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How to be a ‘Real Podcaster’ ?

Is everything already out there on the internet?  If you just want to learn about a particular subject can you type it into Google and simply learn it?  Whilst that is probably true to a degree, for others it takes years of experience and hard graft to get it.

You could set up a ‘do as I do’ internet business quite easily from reading what others write or by listening to the Podcasts of others.  Hey, copying a successful business is the easiest way of creating an income yourself, especially if you find a new niche way of doing what they do.

Perhaps though it is a hard learnt skill to be original.  I think  some lack real life and on the job experience and possibly the ideas that come with it.  At a recent podcast meet up people were talking about the multitude of ‘snake oil sellers’ who seem to populate the ‘do as I do’ market of new media.

There are some truly wonderful ‘do as I did’ people out there who are opening up and sharing knowledge that can change your life from their direct experience, and there are those that copy them – have you noticed? – and you can tell.

It got me thinking about the ‘real’ content I like to listen to and what I would consider is a good listen.

These are people who have tons of specific industry experience, those who want to branch out further and grasp new media’s metal.  I really enjoy meeting people who want to use Podcasting to share the skills and knowledge of their chosen field, it is very exciting.  Perhaps the most exciting second phase of citizen broadcasting.

The experience they’ve gained through years of hard graft and learning in their particular industry pays dividends.  Through meeting them I learn too and they truly have something to offer their Podcast listener.  I’d add into this the life long hobbyist whose passion spills over into their every day life.

I think these are the people whom have the potential to make a living out of Podcast and new media.

The only thing is they lack the key skills to put together content that will keep the listener in to the end.  I listened to a Podcast just yesterday with superb content, really informative.  I doubt though that many listened past the chaotic overloaded intro sequence.  It lacked any way of keeping me listening or telling me what was to come.  There was no invitation to the party or if there was it didn’t have the address written on the invite.

Why? I shouted but persevered out of stubborn loyalty to my craft.  I wanted to pick it apart and piece it back together.

The problem though was how it was put together.  It was a bit like someone taking a shop window with some really cool threads and just throwing them on a heap in the corner.  How do you know what is the good stuff?  Why should I keep listening?

It sparked me into life  – I thought for quite a while about what I could do with Podcasting.  I was quite mixed and vexed for a while.  I love comedy, I have a passion for it and I’ve written quite a few bits under aliases.

I’m happy to say some of my ditties have caused a few laughter lines to form.  The greatest and oddest flattery is when you’re sitting right next to someone who belly laughs at one of your gags, but it’s delivered by someone else and they have no idea you came up with it.

Maybe I will turn in a comedy Podcast one day – that is if I ever get time?   In the meantime one of my other passions has been radio, actually since the age of 16, and I’ve been lucky enough to turn this passion into a living.

I recall talking with Izabella Russell of Music Radio Creative at one of their superb UK Podcasters meet ups (What is now New Media Europe) and she offered “you have to be knowledgeable about the subject and have a passion for it, and offer something that others do not, give value that others do not”.

It took a while, and then it hit me – why not pass on my radio skills to podcasters?  I thought about all the different situations and job roles I’ve been involved in over the years.

Launching stations, managing talent, training and coaching talent, producing station sounds, breakfast shows. Presenting around the clock in different formats, local, regional, national radio and managing much targeted radio stations.

I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing people and I’m award winning for my work in radio.  It makes sense.  Therefore, why not offer these skills, knowledge and experiences that cannot already be found on the internet, that is unless someone rips off the work I put up on this website.  Who cares if they do?  Well maybe I do.

In any case there is no snake oil for sale here and it won’t just be a ‘do as I do and did’ situation, it will be a sharing experience of what works, together.

I’ll be sharing the secrets of what really works in the radio industry and I have no doubt if applied will work for you as a Podcaster and as a result you will improve what you do – fact – you will improve what you do.

The one thing I cannot understand is when people say there is no right or wrong way – STOP – and I stand by this, there is a right way and any success you grow always comes from doing something the right way.  It is just remembering that right way and repeating it.

Perhaps the questions isn’t how to be a real Podcaster? – but more so how to be a relevant Podcaster who offers value to the listener?

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