Giving your listener a little bit of what you like.

I’ve been working with a podcaster on getting to know their listener, its one of things I’ve done for many years in radio and now Podcast.

An interesting parable came up when talking with my better half. She said that at work they have a new head chef in their restaurant and he makes a fantastic curry. Apparently he comes from India. The only problem is sometimes the curries are just too hot for the patrons to eat, with many leaving their food to the waste bin.

When my other half asked the chef why his food is so spicy he replied, “Because that’s the way I like it”.

Now therein lies the problem. I’ve worked with many chefs over the years, from my food festival background, and they always say that you need to cater for your audience. In an every day work restaurant you need to provide food that will be acceptable to almost all pallets.   The guy in the restaurant is making what he likes and not what his audience wants.

In the broadcast, podcast world sometimes we can get a tad lost and make what we like, now actually that isn’t all bad, because you may be making it with passion.

A word of caution though, what you like isn’t necessarily what your audience wants. The key isn’t what you like, but more so what your audience wants and needs. Finding their need and serving that every time is important and will always lead to success.

Apparently my lady is going to tell the chef at work that he needs to serve his audience better – some people though never listen, and that’s what you need to avoid as a podcaster.

Take a listen to episode 1 of Radio Skills for Podcasters where I go into detail about the techniques, tips and tricks of knowing Your Audience – Click Here

Tune in to series one of Radio Skills for Podcasters

Episode One
Episode Two
Episode Three
Episode Four
Episode Five
Episode Six
Episode Seven
Episode Eight
Episode Nine
Episode Ten
Episode Eleven
Episode Twelve
Episode Thirteen
Bonus Episode

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