Kevin Field presenting at New Media Europe 2016

New Media Europe 2016 Tickets

New Media Europe will be in London on the 18th and 19th June.  This is a huge event for many reasons.  Hey, and I’m presenting.

I can’t wait.  I’m really looking forward to sharing more of my Radio Skills for Podcasters with you – that’s if you’re going?

Via the link below you can book your ticket to NMEU 2016.

Wait though… We need to know a reason why!

So what is New Media Europe 2016 and why should you be there?

It’s the only place this year that I’m presenting and sharing these key skills – How to grow your audience and keep them coming back for more.

I help businesses, personalities and experts develop their podcasts and gain, keep and grow their audience.

In my presentation I’m looking at powerful broadcast techniques you can use in your podcast.  We’ll be looking at how you can build your audience and keep them coming back for more.

I’ll show you the techniques and methods radio stations use and how you can use them for your podcast. You’ll not hear these tips and tricks anywhere else this year – only at New Media Europe 2016.

If you’ve not bought your tickets yet – grab them now before they run out – here.

There’s so many great speakers at New Media Europe 2016 – it’s hard to see you not getting the return you’d need for your investment.

Two days of speakers.  Day one is inspiration, where experts who have been their and done it show you how you could be successful too.

Day two, the day I’m presenting, is all about learning.  You’ll gain actionable skills that you can apply immediately to your blog, vlog or podcast.

I see this event as an investment in learning and gaining new knowledge of the new media world – not to mention the power in networking.  I was at the event last year and it really paid off for me, so you could come this year.

Here’s just a few of the amazing talented people presenting at this years event.  Colin Grey, The Podcast Host, who will give you great information on getting started out with your podcast.  Janet Murray, SoulfulPR, will help your create and harness the power of the press for your business.  Phil Pallen, helps personalities, experts and businesses build and promote their brand.

New Media Europe is huge and is taking place in London over the weekend of the 18th and 19th June 2016.  If you’d like to go simply click on the picture below to find out more and book your ticket.

Hopefully I’ll see you there!

Click to find out more and book your tickets for New Media Europe 2016.
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