Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience.

Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience.

Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience. The current trend and copious amounts of copycat advice is that you should get the influencer ‘big name’ on your podcast because it will help you grow your podcast. The other way around maybe – You may get in front of…

RSP SPECIAL EPISODE – #NMEU On Location Interview Skills

RSP SPECIAL EPISODE – #NMEU On Location Interview Skills

This is a special recording of the podcast created especially for  the New Media Europe Conference taking place in Manchester England on the 12th, 13th September 2015.   Radio Skills for Podcasters is a media sponsor for #NMEU. So far leading up to the event @radio_skills has been tweeting top tips for podcasters.  However, Kevin pondered…