Don’t be afraid to dream – Inspired by Chris Coleman and Wales


Never give up on your dream and don’t be afraid to fail. Chris Coleman is the manager of the Welsh national football team. They’ve had an incredible tournament in Euro 2016. After their unexpected win over Belgium something he said struck a chord with me.

In the video above Chris said “Don’t be afraid to have dreams. Four years ago I was as far away from this as you could imagine. I’ve had more failures than successes but I’m not afraid to fail. We deserve this.”

Failure is the biggest thing that holds many people back. It’s not procrastination. More so it’s that fear of things not working out.

Trust me you learn much more from making mistakes than you do from constant success. If you learn form your failures you can turn that into success.

Perhaps it’s also about finding your place in your dream and an amount of realism to hit it.

When I first started out trying to get into radio I was offering my services as a presenter to whichever station happened to show an interest. In fact I have a folder full of no letters.  I was so far up my own backside. So many no’s.

It didn’t hold me back; I learnt my trade and worked out what I wanted to do in it. I listened to those around me, took on board their advice.  Made a ton of mistakes and I became a good presenter and an excellent in show producer. I have knowledge from doing every kind of job in radio. Now I pass on those skills to others in radio as well as podcast.

Successful people have tunnel vision. They hone in on their dream target and make sure it sticks.  They work out the pathway to their success.

Back to me starting out in radio, I just wanted to be on the radio – I wanted to be a presenter, and I didn’t really care where. A friend of mine wanted to be a radio presenter, but he had a target of presenting a show on one station – Capital Radio. He achieved it.  Again he worked his dues to get there.

Whatever it is you do, and if it is with your podcast create a target, learn the route and go for it.  Best of luck!

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