Scripps as Midroll Media Buys Stitcher – Old for New Media

Traditional old-media money is flowing into the podcast space as Midroll Media EVP buys Stitcher. Media company EW Scripps is paying $4.5-million for Stitcher and placing it in its Midroll Media podcast content and sales company. Scripps purchased Midroll in July of 2015. Stitcher has 8 million registered users and has tapped into the in…

Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience.

Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience.

Podcasters – You don’t need ‘Big Name’ Influencers in Interviews to build your audience. The current trend and copious amounts of copycat advice is that you should get the influencer ‘big name’ on your podcast because it will help you grow your podcast. The other way around maybe – You may get in front of…

RSP Episode 12 – The Podcast Producers Checklist

RSP Episode 12 – The Podcast Producers Checklist

Episode 12 of Series One of Radio Skills for Podcasters – In which Kevin Field talks through The Podcast Producers Checklist. Similar to the Podcast Presenters Checklist this is a simple content checklist designed to help you out.  Ideal for you when producing and mastering your podcast sound. The Podcast Producers Checklist is a list of…

RSP Episode 11 – The Podcaster Presenters Checklist

RSP Episode 11 – The Podcaster Presenters Checklist

Episode 11 of Series One of Radio Skills for Podcasters – In which Kevin Field talks through The Podcast Presenters Checklist. This is a simple content checklist designed to help you out.  Ideal for presentation and content direction for your podcast. Rather than a tick off sheet The Podcast Presenters Checklist is a list of…