How can Snapchat help grow your podcast?
How can Snapchat help grow your podcast?
If you don’t know what snapchat is where have you been? Do you know how it works?
Here’s a simple overview of snapchat from the people at Mashable. It is a beginners guide.
Time Magazines Adults Guide to Snapchat – a Fun read.
It seems a superb tool to help you connect with your existing audience and potentially grow your community. I’m interested in growing my community and podcast listeners.
For me social media is about connecting people to my community. I choose the channels I feel are right for my content and my community.
At this stage I’m concentrating building my twitter following, my facebook group will come next and then perhaps it will be snapchat.
I have dabbled with snapchat. It was quite fun, but at that stage I had few watchers (if that’s the term?).
I believe snapchat is probably great for augmenting your existing content. I have been thinking how I’d approach using the platform properly if and when I go for it.
The following is based on my mind map session and notes on how I might use snapchat. It’s based on reading, listening and understanding hat others have done. Hopefully it can help you if you’re starting out or thinking about your snap strategy.
So here’s what I’m planning with snapchat…
If you know snapchat you may wish to skip this short paragraph – Snapcode is the ghost like image with dots. It is individual to you. In my example I’ve added my picture underneath the code (as per image above). Other users can connect with you by scanning the code.
Some add the snapcode to their logo. As long as the code (dots) is intact it will be OK.
Promote snapcode offline – That is on business cards and any promotional material Radio Skills for Podcasters will appear on.
Promote snapcode online – That is in profile pictures on all other social media, on my website. When I do guest interviews I’ll send my snapcode image as a part of the interview pack. I’ll also add it as an overlay in my video content. I’ll also look at adding it into my advertising and potentially as a part of my podcast image.
Swap snapcodes – with those that are influential to my community.
Social media promotion – I’ll schedule some tweets and facebook posts that promote my snapcode towards snapchat content.
Adverts – I may even run a facebook ad with my snapcode at the centre. See Andrea Vahl’s fine facebook ad tips here.
Content – I need to create content when doing this. I’ll be creating short stories and snap content during the phase. The Same But Different applies here. It will some of my existing content, but also exclusive to snapchat too.
Promotions – I may run some contests and promotions to keep people in to my content.
Regular – I’ll need to make sure the content is regular and at the same time every time. Once you offer it you should continue to deliver the content.
Directories – I’ll get listed in the relevant snapchat directories. Snap Chat Directories Link
Platform purpose – I’ll aim to create snapchat stories that can be reused on other platforms – video for facebook and youtube.
Not all of it though, but some – again to promote back to my snapchat channel. It’s great that you have this ability.
I firmly believe that when you make something it needs to have a good life cycle. Snapchat aims at short life cycle of content, this way I cam make sure my content matures on other channels.
Short course – Could I run a free short course on snap chat? Could be interesting!
That’s just a few of the ideas I put down on my scoping paper for snapchat. Hopefully it’ll be useful to you? If you have additional thoughts please do add them I the comments section below.
As with podcasting I think if I post valuable and regular content then my audience on snap chat will grow.
Now answering the question at the start and in the title – can snapchat help you grow your podcast? My podcast is at the heart of my online adventure; therefore it will be at the heart of my snapchat presence so yes it should help me grow my podcast. The skill is that you need to include your podcast right in the mix of your snapchat journey.
Happy Snapping!
Oh and look me up! Scan, add etc… you know how by now.